What is Jet Lag?
Meaning, Origin, Popular Use, and Synonyms

What is Jet Lag?
Jet lag, also known as time zone change syndrome or desynchronosis, is a temporary sleep disorder that occurs when travelers rapidly cross multiple time zones, disrupting their internal body clock or circadian rhythm. It is a common experience for travelers who undertake long-haul flights, especially when traveling across continents or to distant countries. Jet lag can lead to various symptoms, including fatigue, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and digestive disturbances. These symptoms arise due to the body’s struggle to adjust to the new time zone, as it takes time for the internal body clock to synchronize with the external environment.
Origins of the term Jet Lag
The term “jet lag” is believed to have originated in the 1960s and was coined by Horace Sutton, a journalist for the Los Angeles Times. It became popular due to the increasing use of jet aircraft for long-distance travel during that period. The term “jet” refers to jet aircraft, and “lag” implies a delay or mismatch between the body’s internal time and the external time at the destination.
Where is the term Jet Lag commonly used?
The term “jet lag” is commonly used among travelers, aviation professionals, and the medical community. It has become a standard phrase to describe the temporary sleep disruption experienced after traveling across time zones. People who frequently embark on long-haul journeys or international flights are particularly familiar with the concept of jet lag.
Synonyms of the term Jet Lag
While “jet lag” is the most widely used term, it is also known by other names, including:
- Time Zone Change Syndrome: This term emphasizes the underlying cause of the condition, which is the abrupt change in time zones during travel.
How to say Jet Lag in other languages?

Here’s how to say “jet lag” in various languages:
- Spanish: Jet Lag (pronounced: het lag)
- Italian: Sindrome del Fuso Orario (pronounced: sin-dro-meh del foo-zo oh-ra-ree-oh)
- French: Décalage Horaire (pronounced: day-ka-laj o-rèr)
- German: Jetlag (pronounced: yet-lag)
- Chinese: 时差反应 (Shíchā fǎnyìng)
- Hindi: जेट लैग (Jet Laig)
- Japanese: 時差ぼけ (Jisa boke)
- Arabic: اضطراب التوقيت (idtirab altawqit)
- Russian: Синдром перелетного часового пояса (Sindrom perelétnogo chasovógo poyasa)